Google AMP - Accelerated Mobile Pages

Download Google’s AMP HTML Template

What is Google’s AMP? Will Google’s AMP boost my SEO rankings? Read this short article to learn more.

Google Adwords Vs. SEO

AdWords Vs. SEO

If you are new to online marketing and still deciding if you should invest in Google AdWords or SEO, you need to read my post to help with your decision.

Business Webpage Design

Business Website Design

Learn about your business website design services in Melbourne

Online Marketing Meetup

Online Marketing Meetup

Web Design Introduction

Branding, Web Design and Online Marketing Introduction

Here at Neptune Design we welcome new and existing business owners to come on down and introduce to one another and tell us a bit about your business. It was a pleasure seeing different types of small businesses get together.

This is out first event to cover on – how important your branding, getting an online presence and learn about online marketing and exposure.

Logo Design Melbourne


Badly thought logo design can ruin your company image and greatly invest logo design can reaps in the reward. It’s important to carry on the branding over to your business cards and promotional materials.

Online Presence

We all know just how important it is to have a website, it’s how your customers find you and learn more about your services and products.

Online Exposure

Having a website build won’t be enough, you need to exposure yourself via the Internet. This is one of the best marketing option as it’s cost effective and trackable on your ROI.

Learn more about our next meetup here.



Local SEO in Heidelberg West

What is local SEO?

What is Local SEO?

Local SEO is an optimisation process to list local businesses with either a physical address or deliver and serve to their customers locally. Google Maps will list local business who have verified their business but with ongoing local SEO optimisation you too can see your business on the first page of Google.

Why it’s important to be seen on Google Maps?

Local SEO ServicesIt’s important for all local businesses to be seen in Google Maps because you want potential customers or people who know your business to see your contact details due to they don’t know your phone number of by heart. Your business listing on Google Maps will be able to tell your customers your hours of operation, see your news and events and even post amazing review.

But most importantly most people search for generic terms such as “pizza restaurant in Heidelberg” because they don’t know your business. You want to be seen straight away to get better results locally for your business.

What can I do to list my business on Google Maps?

To list your business in Google Maps you first must have a physical address, that’s right. This is a part of Google process to verified real businesses before enlisting it on Google Maps.

It’s recommended that your website should list your business address on every at either the top or footer section. This will help Google to clarify and connect the website and your Google Maps listing together. This is just a few things you can get your business be on top of the list.

Good luck with your search to be seen on Google Maps, if you need help to listing your business on Google please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Until then here’s a list below on more resource for you to read on;

Wordpress Blog

WordPress Blog and It’s Benefits

Wordpress Blog


Blogging is taking a sensational phenomenon via the internet and shows no sign of slowing time soon. When blogs first meat in existence, they were sort of online diary When the user could share opinions and views on some issues. Since then, the blog has exploded and is extracted and used by businesses and companies, such as websites, as marketing tools, practically anything you can think of. However, there are countless numbers of different blogging sites, but the one who most often is WordPress. WordPress is an online blogging site that completely change the way people blog.

WordPress is turning into a transformation in blogging, since it takes blogs to a whole new level, also allowing site users to set up their own and manage blogs for free. Тhеrе аrе mаnу blоggіng sіtеs оut thеre thаt rеquіrеs уоu tо рау а fее bеfоrе уоu саn sеt uр а blоg wіth Тhаt sіtе, nоr WоrdРrеss. Extra features to keep your blog on the cutting edge of modern blogs, then a WordPress requires a small fee, but the free blog is pretty good on its own.

WordPress impossible spam words, many blogging websites not put up a significant fight against spam. Typically, you would install several different anti-spam plug-ins before even remotely safe from spam, well not with WordPress. Their own software WordPress has been implemented to fight the popular “comment spam.” Comment spam When spammers leave comments on your blog that are related spam and it can really make your blog unattractive in the eyes of many, but you do not have to worry about that if you build your blog using WordPress.

It happens all the time with blog sites, the site is updated, so that you through the whole routine of updating your blog, so you “can stay up to date. Then if you use WordPress you really do not worry about this problem because WordPress does it for you. When updates their WordPress website, you don t have to do a thing, because automatically update your WordPress blog each time the site is updated. Often your pc from the server cannot, creating a blog a little less than functional, so you have backups that run blog daily to ensure that it remains safe. If you go with WordPress Then they will do the backup for you, so whatever happens, your blog will always be safe.

With WordPress, you’re not flying blind, if you have a problem of some kind or that question must be answered will be answered. WordPress has many members who are active on the site regularly This will help you with any problem or question you may have; What’s better than free, helpful support. WordPress is also the place to be if you’re looking to gain insight about the future of blogging. This is because WordPress Being on the cutting edge of technology means that blogging that they try all kinds of new features that no other blogging website. So if you are a member of WordPress, then you will be able to try out all these new features, free.

Probably the best part of having a WordPress blog is the fact that it’s so easy to create, manage and maintain the blog. Even a child can have his own blog on WordPress, that’s how easy it is to start to work. Маnу blоgs wоuld hаvе аt lеаst а lіttlе knоwlеdgе оf НТМL, СЅЅ оr аnуthіng lіkе thаt, but nоt WоrdРrеss bесаusе аll thе hаrd wоrk nесеssаrу fоr уоu.

Google Analytics

Google Training

Google Adwords and Analytics with Loves Data

I have been attending Adwords and Analytics training for the last couple of days and I have to admit I learn a lot of new tricks that will benefit me on the next Adwords campaign.  Analytics today was also interesting, new user ID implementation to customising reports. I will look forward to a new start tomorrow!

The speakers sure knows what they are talking about, good job Loves Data.


Rent a Website

Rent a Website Melbourne

Always wondered how you could get a website for your business without having to pay something along the line of $1,200 to a website designer plus a hosting fee on top?

Renting a website could be the easier and more manageable way to go. You can rent a website from $10 a week. Your website will include your hosting fee (valued at $20 per month) and your domain (valued at $25).

The website are based on a template options so all you have to is add your logo and information about your business.

We can provide support and maintenance are available when needed at an hourly rate.

Small Business Web Design Cheap website design yarra valley