Online Marketing Meetup

Web Design Introduction

Branding, Web Design and Online Marketing Introduction

Here at Neptune Design we welcome new and existing business owners to come on down and introduce to one another and tell us a bit about your business. It was a pleasure seeing different types of small businesses get together.

This is out first event to cover on – how important your branding, getting an online presence and learn about online marketing and exposure.

Logo Design Melbourne


Badly thought logo design can ruin your company image and greatly invest logo design can reaps in the reward. It’s important to carry on the branding over to your business cards and promotional materials.

Online Presence

We all know just how important it is to have a website, it’s how your customers find you and learn more about your services and products.

Online Exposure

Having a website build won’t be enough, you need to exposure yourself via the Internet. This is one of the best marketing option as it’s cost effective and trackable on your ROI.

Learn more about our next meetup here.